Hot Lunches are a great way to switch the lunchbox up and are a tasty treat for the kids! Plus the proceeds go towards PAC funding that goes back into the school. 

All About Lavington Hot Lunch Program
Our philosophy is to provide a wide range of food choices to students and balance nutrient rich foods with exciting and fun options to entice students to be excited about the meal before them. We use local ingredients wherever possible and aim to keep the “from scratch” meals (served on Fridays) as economic as possible. The PAC does earn money with the operation of this program and is a valuable revenue source ensuring that PAC can continue to support Lavington students and families.
Things to know:
  • Menu runs will be approximately 6 weeks in length.
  • You do not have to order on every available day.
  • You can pick and choose which items your child wants (yes, you can order just a juice box or chocolate milk)
  • We aim to provide as many dietary options as feasible for a volunteer team. We offer dairy free and vegetarian options as often as we can.
  • We try to offer items that are naturally Gluten Free, but we CANNOT be considered a Gluten Free kitchen as we use cooking implements and tools that can not be guaranteed to be free from cross contamination.
  • We do not use nuts or nut products in our meals.


Winter #1 MENU

Open for ordering 

December 14-19

Orders Open:

Saturday Dec 14

Online orders due:

Thursday Dec 19 at 9pm

Payment due:

Friday Dec 20 by 12 pm

Order timeline:

January 6- February 13




For the 2024/25 school year, Freshii orders will be on a Monday. At least one Freshii order will be available on each 6 week menu featuring healthy and delicious wraps and bowls. 


Pizza is ordered every Tuesday from Domino’s Pizza! Kids can choose from Cheese, Pepperoni, or Hawaiian pizza. 


Switching back and forth between the top favourites from last year, delivered to classrooms by parent volunteers.


Meals are created by Parent Volunteers in the school kitchen. Locally sourced ingredients are used as often as possible. A drink option is available on Fridays.


How to set up your account

As we get ready for another exciting year at school, it is also time to get the Hot Lunch Program
up and running. We will be doing the online ordering for all orders to ensure accuracy with the
orders and to make the process as easy for everyone as possible.

Here’s how to get started:

1.  Go to

2.  Click on “Click Here to Register”

3.  Enter Access Code LHL

4. Complete the rest of the registration form. (Including your email address will ensure you receive reminder emails about hot lunch order deadlines and your child’s hot lunch order for the upcoming week)

5. Click the “Register Now” button at the bottom

6.  Follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends Lavington
Elementary Once your child(ren) is registered, click on “Orders”

7.  Proceed to order hot lunch for your child(ren)

You can either pay with a credit card as a PayPal guest (Visa, Mastercard, or Amex) or set up your own PayPal account or print a remittance form and drop off cash or cheque at the school by the order deadline.

The hot lunch online order system requires a small amount of setup time in the beginning as you must register each child you have attending our school prior to ordering hot lunch. Once the initial setup process is complete, your hot lunch orders for the remainder of the year should be quick and simple.

**Please Note: Should you experience any issues with your PayPal account, you must contact PayPal directly to solve the issue.

How to place your order

Welcome to the On-Line Hot Lunch Ordering System!

Getting Started:

To access the site, please go to the school hot lunch website as per the handout. All the screenshots in this document are from the demo site and not your school website!

To use the system, you will be required to register and provide your name, phone number, and email address. This site has an SSL Certificate to provide full security of your personal information, and only the information required to manage the lunch program is required. The volunteer site administrator cannot access your password and you select your own user id.

To register for an account click on the “REGISTER” tab on the main menu bar. This will take you to the registration form to create an account for your family. Each family will have one account and each student at the school will be linked to this account. Once you have created your account you will be able to log in and edit your contact information and add additional email addresses to your account.

To register, enter the SCHOOL ACCESS CODE that is provided in the instruction handout. Provide other information as required to complete your registration.

Once you have registered, you can immediately LOG IN.

Managing Students:

Once you have logged into the system you will be at the “Welcome Screen”. This is the first screen you will see each time you log in and from here you can quickly access the major sections of the system.

The first step is to add your students to the system so that orders can be placed for them. To add your children to the system and click on the “Students” button to access the student management screen.

To add any student to the system you must click on the “Add a Student” button to access the form. It is also possible to access these pages from the “PROFILE” menu by selecting “Manage Students” or “Add New”.

The “Student Administration” screen will allow you to specify your child’s name and select which class he or she is in. The class assignments will be verified by the hot lunch team. If the school is tracking student allergies you will be asked to specify which of the listed allergens your child is allergic to. Once you have entered the information click the “Add New” button.

Placing Lunch Orders:

Once your students have been added to the system you can immediately place lunch orders for each student. The “Student Administration” screen will list all your registered students and the information about any pending, current, or recent orders that have been placed for each student.

Each student is listed with their class information and their status in the system. Once the hot lunch team has verified each student the status will change from “Unverified” to “Verified”. Below each student’s information is a list of the current and recent schedules and the orders that were made in each schedule for the student.

By clicking on the “Order” button you will be able to place or edit an order for the student. The order form will indicate the date range during which orders will be accepted. After the end date, it will not be possible to place or edit an order. Once an order has been paid you will not be able to make any further changes to the order.


Hot Lunch Order Form:

The hot lunch order form is organized by dates and each menu item available on each date is listed with the price and a box for you to enter the quantity you wish to order. When you enter a quantity the line price is automatically calculated and the total for the date is displayed at the bottom of each lunch date.

It is possible that a menu has been set up with linked dates which means that when you enter numbers into one lunch date the same numbers will appear in a “linked” date. This means that the items you order on one lunch date will be duplicated on one or more additional lunch dates and you will not be able to order different items or quantities. Your school hot lunch team will inform you if the menus are linked.


Hot Lunch Order Payments:

Once you have completed the order and clicked on the “Update Lunch Order” button you will be taken to a screen where all the orders for all of the current lunch schedules are summarized. If you have an outstanding balance owing you can then print a payment remittance form by clicking the button labeled “Remittance Form”. If your school has a PayPal account linked into the system you can pay for all the outstanding orders by clicking on the “PayPal Payment” button.
Payment should be made after all student orders have been completed.
It is also possible to generate a PDF of any student hot lunch order by clicking the “Print Order” button.


Account Profile:

As a user of the system, you have an account profile that is the information about you for the administrators of the school hot lunch program. All the data in your profile is required and is kept private for use in the management of the school’s hot lunch program and for the school council to communicate with you.

It is possible to enter up to three email addresses in your account profile should there be a need to have emails sent to more than one household.


Contact Information:

Your contact information is the information that is displayed on the class lists that are generated by the system. It is possible that your school does not allow access to the class lists as some school districts and some schools are not comfortable with class lists being produced.

If your school does have class lists on the website you can edit your contact information to control what is displayed. You can display or remove any of the values in the contact record to ensure that your privacy is protected or to provide information to other parents in your student’s class. Only parents who have children in the same class as you will have access to your contact information on the class list.

Setting up a Paypal account

Some helpful info for setting up your Paypal account.  Click the links for a how to article and a great video running through the steps from start to finish.

How to use Paypal

How To Youtube video